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Lea hirbmat somá beassat ságastit ja geahččalit gávdnat vugiid ovddidit sámigiela iešguđet veagain. Free, mobile-friendly dictionaries for Olonetsian, and Kven. Uusâ analysistmân já miäruštâlmân mottoom sääni teikâ sänihäämi. Taažâ arktisâš ollâopâttuv tutkâmjuávkku Giellatekno lii ráhtám taid sänikirjeohjelmijd rijjâ já ávus käldeekoodáin rahtum kielâohjelmijgijn". Intern dokumentasjonen for Interaktiv samiskopplæring på Internett, (univ-oahpa, University Oahpa), 2011-2013.NUV-prosjekt P88/2011 .


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Before registering a publication, always check if the publication is already in DiVA! Oahpa! I don't think I have ever really dug into Greek culture before, except in sixth grade Greek mythology (which is really cool stuff.) The place was huge; crowded with tones of different people, different foods to try, and lots of dancing. Oahpa! It was really fun to try it, it was a good experience.


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I don't think I have ever really dug into Greek culture before, except in sixth grade Greek mythology (which is really cool stuff.) The place was huge; crowded with tones of different people, different foods to try, and lots of dancing. Oahpa! It was really fun to try it, it was a good experience.

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Neahttadigisánit Reader Bookmarklet. Drag and drop the following link to your Bookmark toolbar, then click it when you are on a page you wish to read. Definition från Wiktionary, den fria ordlistan.