J Damilakis et al. Radiauon Dose to the Conceptus from


CLINTEC Enheten för radiografi Examensarbete Avancerad

Abdomen.; A 53±0 (53−53) 18±0 (18−18) 23±0 (23−23) 803±186 (664−1210) 883±292 (693−1540) 1496±543 (762−2528) DISCUSSION CTDIvol values for the six scanners ranged from 60 mGy to 75 mGy. 25% of the raw scores had a value of 2 (barely acceptable), while 75% of the scores ranged from 3 to 5 implying a Head Routine CTDIvol[mGy] 60 60 75 Thorax Routine CTDIvol[mGy] 10 30 N/A Abdomen Routine CTDIvol[mGy] 15 35 25 1Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Diagnostische Referenzwerte für diagnostische und interventionelle Röntgenanwendungen vom 22.06.2016). 2European Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Computed Tomography Scan type CTDIvol (mGy) DLP (mGy-cm) Effective dose (mrem) Adult head 63.40 1109.5 233 Adult abdomen 20.70 517.5 776 Adult pelvis 20.70 517.5 776. Adult chest 12.42 CONCLUSION: NCLNs can be missed in chest CT at CTDIvol of <1 mGy (0.25, 0.4 and 0.8 mGy) regardless of IRTs. The most lung nodules (97%) were detected at CTDIvol of 0.8 mGy.

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The most mediastinum structures were not sufficiently seen at 0.25-0.8 mGy. Advances in knowledge: NCLNs can be missed regardless of IRTs in chest CT at CTDIvol of <1 mGy. The performance of ASIR, SafeCT and MBIR was similar for lung nodule detection at 0.25, 0.4 and 0.8 mGy. Notes: For children <1 year and 1-9 years, all studies performed with CTDIvol ≥ 20.1 mGy (range: 9-46 mGy) and CTDIvol ≥ 27.5 mGy (range: 15-60 mGy) yielded images of diagnostic quality.

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Omvandlings- faktor EDLP. Effektiv dos1). (mSv).

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DLP (mGycm). Notification Value.

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It is based off of precise measurements made with a phantom. DLP is the CTDIvol x the length of the patient imaged in cm.

Joniserande strålning. Isaksson (2011)  av W Leitz · 2008 · Citerat av 2 — CTDIVOL, uttryckt i mGy. Totalt har standarddoser för 388 DT-undersökningar rapporte- rats. Beräkningen av standarddosen har genomgående gjorts genom  av W Leitz · 2010 — Tabell 4.4: Standarddoser CTDIVOL (mGy) och DLP (mGycm) för fyra olika typer av DT-undersökningar.
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若CTDIvol是12 mGy,劑量長度的乘積(dose-length product)是600 mGy-cm, 則掃描長度為多少cm? (A)100 (B)50 (C)25 (D)10. 編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤. 2016年11月13日 尿路造影的CTDIvol虽然仅为20 mGy,但DLP却高达2 620 mGy·cm。 结论 我国现 有的CT剂量水平与国际相关组织发布的诊断标准水平(DRL)  18 CTDI : CT Dose Index (CTDI) is the measure of ionizing radiation in the Body and to estimate radiation risk DLP= CTDIVOL x scan length (mGy.cm) A way  2016年11月7日 mGy是描述辐射能量与人体组织作用时使用一个单位,因此它表示组织单位 1.2 CT剂量指数(CTDI) CT剂量指数(CTDI)是用模型测量得到  CTDIvol and the scan length.11,17. DLP is measured in mGy cm and quantifies the total amount of radiation used to perform a given CT scan. In helical CT  Results: There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) between DECT and SECT: Mean CTDIvol was 14.2 mGy (±3.9). (DECT) and 14.3 mGy (±4.5) (SECT).

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CTDi (mGy). CTDI huvud. XperCT LD 30 bilder/s – 10 s. 22. XperCT HQ 30 bilder/s – 21 s. 45.

Results: The institutional DRL for our CT units were established as mean (50th percentile) of CTDIvol (mGy), DLP (mGy.cm) and ED (mSv) for single and multiphasic studies using the dose-tracking software. CTDIvol [mGy] 15 . 10 : 30 . N/A: Abdomen Routine CTDIvol [mGy] 15 : 15 . 35 : 25 . 4 . Default Siemens Protocol .