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SFI Flashcards Quizlet

C) photon. D) phaser. E) wavelength. C) A packet of light energy is called a photon.

A packet of light energy is called a quizlet

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These packets are called photons. Each photon is a discrete entity of electromagnetic radiation with a characteristic frequency of electromagnetic field vib Answer to 80. A packet of light energy is called a A) quantum. B) pigment. C) photon. D) phaser. E) wavelength.

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Answers: 2 Get Other questions on the subject: Chemistry. Chemistry, 21.06.2019 20:30, A packet of light energy is called a quantum plural quant a Each packet of A packet of light energy is called a quantum plural SchoolUniversity of California, San Diego Course TitleCHEMISTRY 6A User: A packet of light energy is called a a. wavicle.

A packet of light energy is called a quizlet

A single packet of energy is called a photon. How much energy isin the photon is dependent on the frequency of the photon. E = h xv (h = Plank's constant, v = frequency) When light is represented A packet of light energy is called a A) quantum. B) pigment. C) photon. D) phaser.

A packet of light energy is called a quizlet

polarized light. c. white light. d. photoelectric light.

When a pigment molecule absorbs light energy, it is absorbing photons. This added energy raises the energy level of the atoms.
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Quizlet Learn. Diagrams. A packet of light energy is called a.
